Thursday, April 30, 2015

Week 4

Since we only had one day (and because the children loved it) we repeated the Popcorn activity with the children choosing whether to be Leader or Popcorn.  I was surprised how many of the "Leaders" used full voice and inflection as they lead the class.  We also worked on directions.  EX:  If you have the color red on your shoes, tiptoe to your backpack." 

Coming up for May:  the sound /s/ and Summer, Silly Dance Contests, Guess the Sounds, and I Spy.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Reading to your child

There is a fantastic review on Activity Tailor for a new iPad/Apple free app called You Tell Me Stories that trains parents how to read to their children to elicit language.  It demonstrates speed, inflection, and good questions or comments that will support listening comprehension.  Check it out here.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 3

We're actually repeating Week 2 as the children LOVE the Silly Pizza Song II and the Popcorn Song.

This week I'm giving the children the opportunity to be the song leader, or to tell me What Comes Next?  Miss Carrie will either forget what comes next or *gasp!* say the wrong thing.  The children love correcting these errors.

This Thursday our Occupational Therapist will be coming in to work on some gross and fine motor skills through whole body activities.  This will take place of Large Group.  We're looking forward to seeing what she is bringing to class.  As usual, Miss Carrie will be there to focus on concepts On Top, Under, In Front, Behind, Over, Under, and Next To.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 2

Phoneme: /p/

Transition Song:  Silly Pizza Song 2 

(The kids are really getting into this now.  They are talking about what other silly foods we can put on pizza.)

Concepts:  on top, putting on, pouring, sprinkling, turn up, hearing, watching.

Pre-literacy skills:  Draw the letter P.  What words have the p-p-p sound in them?  We say p=p=p with our voices turned off. 

We're pretending to pop popcorn! The children are really getting into this song.  Try it out at home.  We did change the words a little:

First your pour on the oil.
Sprinkle in the popcorn.
Put on the lid.
Turn up the heat.

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle (3X) 

Hear the popcorn!
Watch it pop!
Hear the popcorn!
Watch it pop!
Hear the popcorn!
Watch it pop!
Hear the popcorn!
Watch it pop!

Pop pop pop pop!
Now let's stop!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

April Language Calendar

Awesome April Language calendar from the Moog Center for the Deaf in St. Louis.  You can download and print it here.