Phoneme: /s/
Transition Song: The Circle Song by the Kiboomers
Materials: Laminated Letter S, Jim Gill's The Sound Effects Song, SoundTouch App
Vocabulary and Concepts: Sounds, songs, silly, animal sounds, vehicle sounds, household sounds, coughing, sneezing, What-questions, listening, voices, on/off, loud/soft
Pre-literacy: Draw the letter S. "Start at the top. Swooop over. Swiiiiiirl down. Swooop under. And stop.
Discussion: We're talking about Silly Sounds! What sounds can you make? Can you meow like a cat? Snore? Ring like a bell? Roar like a motorcycle? Our voices can make all sorts of sounds. And many of them are SILLY.
We're singing along with Jim Gill (from the Jim Gill Makes It Noisy In Boise album). You can also find it at the library.
We're also playing with the SoundTouch App on my iPad. The kids are constantly asking "Can we do the animal/firetruck/lightning sounds again?" The SoundTouch lite version is free. I have the full version. I also pull it out a lot when I'm meeting new children during IEP meetings. They love the sounds and I like how it gets the two of us doing something together.
Some sounds are loud and some are soft. Sometimes we are using our voices, and other times we are listening with our voices off.
We're moving around our bodies and picking our favorite animal to move like as we travel from Large Group to Small Group.