Materials: laminated letter /s/, Jim Gill's Silly Dance Contest
Transition song: The Circle Time Song by the Kiboomers
Concepts and Vocabulary: numbers 1-4, Start, Stop, Swoop, Swirl, Silly, High/Low, Fast/Slow, Over/Under, Up/Down, Frozen, Freeze
Pre-Literacy: Draw the letter S. "Start at the top. Swooop over. Swiiiiiirl down. Swooooop under. And STOP!
There is a reason I play the Silly Dance Contest. It is one of the favorites with the kids. Today, during the slow motion part, one of the boys got the idea to do slow motion high-fives. It caught on, and soon most of the class was high-fiving each other. This is a good activity for following directions, modification of movement (fast, slow, jumping, high low), and of course, making silly faces (and labeling face parts - eyes, mouth, nose, tongue, teeth, ears).