Dr. Jean's The Alligator Is My Friend AKA The Alligator Chant is one of the most popular songs in both preschool classrooms here. The phrase is sung by the leader and repeated by the class. Be sure to include the actions!
List of Actions
Alligator: use full arms to demonstrate alligator mouth opening and closing
Friend: ASL sign for friend. Hook pointer fingers and then rotate them over to under to hook again.
If only you could understand: tap your temple
He likes to sing and dance: microphone and dance
Dance and flirt: jazz hands and dance your upper body
Pants : brush your pants with your hands
Skirt: brush your "skirt" with your hands
Shoes: pat your shoes
Woo!: throw hands up in the air
By the way, Dr. Jean is AWESOME! Check our her other stuff here.