Transition Song: H-E-A-R-T by The Kiboomers
(We are not eliminating a letter the way the song does. We sing each letter and clap for each one.)
Materials: Laminated letter D, crayons, large sheet of white butcher paper (big enough to nearly cover the Large Group rug), map of the classroom.
Vocabulary and Concepts: top/bottom, long/short, big/small, house, sign, road, tree, car, trampoline, swimming pool, park, swings, rail road track, train, stop/go, library, street (add more specific to your neighborhood), Where, Who, What, tall/taller/tallest, more crayons.
Pre-literacy: Let's explore the letter D. Look, it has a line that is straight, and a line that curves. Draw the letter D: "Start at the top and draw down. Go back to the top and draw around." What sound does it make? D-d-d-d. What words have that sound in them? Daddy, dinner, down, draw, diaper, dog.
Large Group Activity: Miss Jeana and Miss Julie each have a map they have drawn for their classrooms. We looked at the map. The children identified each area (House Area, Block Area, Puzzle Area, Art Area, Book Area) and which table was the table where they sit. They recognize this map well because the teachers use it to ask the children where they would like to play during Work Time. I told the children that I wanted to draw a map of the area where we lived. I unrolled a long piece of white butcher paper on the floor with the children surrounding it. Then I showed the children, using crayons, how I drew my house (it is a long house with a door and windows) and that my yard has very big trees and looks like a park. Then I handed out plenty of crayons and encouraged the children to lay on their tummies and draw their house and what was around it. See the pictures ( I will add more pictures of each class map). I have a McDonalds near my house so I drew the McDonalds sign and asked if anyone recognized it (logographic skills). Some children drew parks, pools, trampolines, flowers, cars, a railroad track, and the street in front of their home.
Talk about WHERE things are. WHO lives at your house? What is TALLER than your house? WHERE do you play? WHERE do you eat?
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Miss Jeana's AM Class |