Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What is happening in Small Group?

Look at what we did during Small Group this week!

Miss Jeana's class read the book Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh.

Another group did playdough birthday cakes.  They put craft stick candles in them.  Then they counted them and decided who had more candles and who had less.  Of course, we had to sing "Happy Birthday" many times!

Another activity was throwing beanbag toys into boxes.  The children then counted how many landed in the box and charted totals.  They determined who had more and who had less.  

In Miss Jen's class, we fit lids onto containers and talked about big/little.  We traded sizes and problem solved to find all the lids to put on the right containers.

Another Small Group activity was looking at rocks through magnifying glasses and describing them.  Smooth or rough?  Big or little?  Same or different? What color? Everyone had fun looking through magnifying glasses.

One more picture, this one from Work Time.

Aug/Sept Week 5: Bouncy Bouncy Balloons in a Box

Phoneme: /b/

Transition Song: Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy

Materials: small cardboard box, 12" balloons, laminated letter B

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: big/little, breath, blow, box, counting to 5+, high/low, big, bigger, biggest, bounce, hands, feet, predict(ing).

Pre-literacy: It was our last week with letter B.  Miss Carrie had the kids teach her how to draw the letter B.

Miss Carrie brought out a little box.  She had something in the box.  She said it was little but it would get bigger.  Miss Carrie shook the box and everyone took turns predicting what was in the box.  It was balloons!  Miss Carrie asked "How many breaths will it take to blow up the balloon?"  Everyone predicted 1, 2, 5, 10, 1000!  Everyone counted while Miss Carrie blew up the balloon.  1-2-3-4-5!  Is this big enough.  Miss Carrie tied the balloon and then brought out another balloon.  Everyone predicted how many breaths to blow up the balloon. This time it took 6 breaths.  Is it bigger than the first balloon?  Yes.  Miss Carrie brought out a third balloon.  Everyone guessed how many breaths it would take to blow up the balloon.  This time it took 7 breaths.  Is this balloon bigger than the other balloons?  It was the biggest balloon!

Next came the fun part.  Miss Carrie bounced the balloons in the air and everyone could bounce the balloons with their hands.  Miss Carrie reminded everyone to stay on their pockets so they didn't crash into their friends.  Everyone experimented with blowing on the balloons.  Did they move?  When this activity was over, Miss Carrie took the balloons outside to pop them (because some kids might be scared of the loud popping noise.)

Friday, September 22, 2017

Aug/Sept Week 4: Who's Behind The.......


Transition Song:  Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy

Materials: Laminated letter B, poster of birthday cake

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts:  Who questions, behind/in front, up/down, simple pronoun - Me, birthday cake, candles, jump.

Preliteracy:  Let's look at the letter B.  I see a straight line that goes up and down.  I see two curvy lines that look like bouncing. Let's trace the letter B.  "Start at the top and draw down.  Go back to the top and bounce around." What words have that sound?  Bumble bee, ball, basket, elbow, cowboy, rub, crab.

This week we're talking about Who questions and the concept of behind.  Who is wearing red today?  who is wearing blue today?  Who is wearing shoes today? Everyone is wearing shoes today!  Miss Carrie has a big picture of a birthday cake.  We know it is a birthday cake because it has candles on top.  Miss Carrie hid behind the birthday cake.  Then we all sang and clapped the beat or tapped our knees

Who's behind the cake?
Who's behind the cake?
Who's behind the cake?
(Everyone put their hands in the air and said loudly)
Come out now!

(Miss Jen changed the final line to counting 1-2-3-4-5! because she had some children who needed that skill.)

Miss Carrie jumped up and threw her hands in the air and said "ME!  I'm behind the cake!" Everyone wanted a turn! Everyone got a turn to hide behind the cake while the class sang.  Miss Carrie would ask "Who is behind the cake!" and everyone had a chance to jump up and say "ME!"
Hiding BEHIND the birthday cake.

Jumping up to say "It's ME!"

DO THIS AT HOME:  Start asking who questions about people in the room.  Who is wearing shoes?  Who has long hair? Who is the mommy/daddy?  Who likes spaghetti (or whatever you're having for dinner)?  Look for items around the house.  Your shoes are behind the door.  Who is behind mommy/daddy?

And now, more pictures from Small Group, Work Time, and Outside Time.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September Language Calendar

The Moog Center For Deaf Education puts out a language calendar every month that I love.  They have great ideas for language that are easy to do at home and are adaptable for every ability.  Check it out.  You can print your own copy from their site here.  Thanks, Moog!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Aug/Sept Week 3: Will It Bounce?

phoneme: /b/

Transition Song: Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy

Materials: feathers, puppets, stuffed toys, small balls, big exercise ball

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: bounce, experiment, does/does not, roll(ed), float(ed), flop(ped), fell, high/low, fast/slow, What, predicting, negation (Not), squishy

We didn't have time to do our preliteracy and draw the letter B because we had a lot of things going on.  We tried an EXPERIMENT.  An experiment is what you try to see what will happen.  We wanted to know if certain items would BOUNCE.

First we tried feathers.  We predicted what would happen if we held the feathers high and let them go.  Will they bounce?  Let's see.  READY! SET! GO!  Did it bounce?  No, my feather floated. Everyone had a chance to tell the group what happened to his or her feather.

Next, we tried puppets.  We predicted what would happen if we held the puppets high and let them go.  This time, more of the children predicted that it would NOT bounce.  READY! SET! GO!  My puppet fell to the floor.  It did not bounce. Everyone had a chance to share what happened to his or her puppet.
My puppet fell.

Third, we tried stuffed toys.  They were squishy.  Would they bounce?  This time, all of the children predicted that the toy would not bounce.  READY! SET! GO!  My toy rolled.  We tried it again and this time my toy flopped. It really depended on what toy you had.  There were ladybugs, frogs, and turtles.  The lady bugs rolled, the frogs flopped, and the turtles fell flat.
Now we're trying the stuffed toys.

Last we tried.....bouncy balls!  These balls were just big enough to hold in two hands.  All of the children predicted that their ball would bounce.  READY! SET! GO!  The balls bounced and bounced.  They also rolled.  We pulled out a big exercise ball and each of the children had a turn to bounce (fast!) on it while we sang the Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy song again.
Trying out the bouncy balls.

And here are some other things that happened this week:

Miss Jen uses a Big Mac button that says "hello" as part of her greeting time.

Building a big tower.

The sensory table has colored rice inside.

The castle is always fun in Miss Jeana's classroom.

Stamping with pumpkin stamps and orange ink.