This week in Large Group we learned the word experiment. We clapped it out ex-per-i-ment. An experiment is what we do when we see what will happen to something. Our experiment was to see if certain items would bounce.
First we tried feathers. We held them up high and said "Ready....Set.....GO!" Did they bounce? No! They floated. They fell to the ground slowly. We tried it again. No bouncing.
Next we tried beanbag frogs and turtles and ladybugs. We held them up high and said "Ready....Set...GO!" and let them go. did they bounce? No! They flopped. They rolled. They did not bounce. We tried it again. No bouncing.
Then Miss Carrie brought out a bag. We tried to guess what was in the bag. It was balls! Red balls and green balls and blue balls. So many balls! Everyone picked a ball. We held them up high and said "Ready....Set.....GO!" Did they bounce? YES! They bounced! We practiced bouncing and catching. We discovered the balls could also roll. Some of us rolled to friends or played catch with teachers and friends. We discovered that these balls were squishy. We could squish them flat and then they would go back to a round shape.
DO THIS AT HOME: Have your own experiment. Will it bounce? Will it roll? Will it float or flop? Gather some common items around your house. Talk about the results. Try again to make sure.