Thursday, November 17, 2022

I Like It/ I Don't Like It: We're Talking About Food

 Transition Song:  The Gobble Gobble Song  by Nooshi.

(We only sing the first verse through talking about food and then "What does the turkey say" chorus again.  We sing this without the music so we can sing it slower.)

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: labeling food items, like/don't like, yes/no, Who/What questions.

This week Miss Carrie had pictures of our teachers and friends eating foods they like.  We talked about Who it was, What they were eating, and if we like or don't like that food.

Then we looked at pictures of foods.  There were fruits and vegetables, treats, and foods we eat for breakfast or dinner. We looked at the pictures and asked our teachers and friends "Do you like this?  Do you have it at your house?" Friends could answer yes or no. They could tell us Where they eat that food.  They could tell us "I like it" or "I don't like it.

DO THIS AT HOME:  Those circulars and fliers you get from the grocery stores are great for looking at pictures of food.  Or look at a cookbook together.  Talk about food you like.  Consider making a simple recipe together (preschoolers are great at dumping ingredients in a bowl) and talk about what you like.