Thursday, November 13, 2014
November: Week 1 - TONGUE!
Subject: T is for Tongues
Phoneme: /t/
Transition Song: Gobble, Gobble (The Thanksgiving Song) by Nooshi
Concept: tongues, oral motor skills, Who/Where/What questions
Materials: 8x10 laminated page with large letter T for each child
Find your pointer finger. Use it to trace the letter T. "Top to bottom, now back to the top. Left to right, and now STOP! Practice the /t/ sound. T-t-t-t. Everyone practice: Tee, Tay, Tie, Toe, Too! Whose name starts with the t-t-t sound? What words start with the t-t-t sound? Some words we have come up with in class: tickle, two, toys, turkey, tongue.
Who has a tongue? We do! What can you do with your tongue? We can taste with our tongue. "Taste" starts with /t/! We can move our tongues. Put your tongue on the left corner of your lips, now right, now back and forth. Can you lick your lips with your tongue? Pretend your tongue is a vacuum, and vacuum the bottom of your mouth, the inside of your cheeks, and the top of your mouth.
What do you like to taste? (Let your child/children name foods). Look at pictures of foods you like to serve for Thanksgiving. What tastes good? Do you like turkey? Stuffing? Sweet potatoes? Mashed potatoes? Rolls? Pie?
Can you roll your tongue like a hotdog? Look in the mirror to see.
Pick out the letter T in the book you choose to read tonight.