Subject: M is for MUSIC
Phoneme: /m/
Transition Song: Must Be Santa (Raffi)
Concept: Music and Voices. High and low. Fast and Slow. Loud and Soft.
Materials: Laminated M. Laminated Santa pieces (See previous post).
Letter recognition and pre-literacy/writing skills for letter M: Use your pointer finger to trace the letter M. Show me your pointer finger! Ready? Put it at the bottom of the letter M just like me. "Draw up the mountain. Go back down. Back up the mountain and down to the town." Repeat 2X. Hold up letter M and in a loud voice: "Give me a ME! MAY! MY! MOW! MOO!" (Have kids repeat after every CV word.)
What words start with the Mmmmm sound? Merry! Moo! Mine! Mouse! ME! Whose name starts with the Mmmm sound?
Listen to the music! (Play music that is loud/soft, high/low and discuss the concepts.) Can you play loud? Use tapping sticks to try tapping loud and soft. Now use your voices like a fire engine siren and sing on an E vowel, siren up as high as you can and down as you can. Yell. Whisper. What voices do you use outside? In school? In the library?