Monday, May 4, 2015

May: Week 1

Phoneme /s/

Transition Song:  The Circle Song (The Kiboomers)

Pre-literacy skills:  draw the letter S.  Start at the top.  Swoop over.  Swirl down.  Swoop under. and Stop!

Activity:  Following the leader.  We sang and played In And Out The Dusty Bluebells with the words changed:

In and Out, Around our friends -
In and Out, Around our friends -
In and Out, Around our friends -
Who will be my partner?

(At this point the leader holds hand with the nearest child and starts going again.  We kept it to one verse for simplicity.  Full instructions and music can be found here.  Big thanks to Let's Play Kids for supplying the directions and music to this fun activity.

Concepts:  Following the leader, In, Out, Around, High, Low

Here is the music to get started.