Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week 4: Stick Like Glue

Date:  January Week 4

Title:  Stick Like Glue

Phoneme: /k,s/

Pre-Literacy:  Trace the Letter C.  “Put your finger at the top. Draw half a circle and then we stop.”

Materials required:  Laminated Letter C

Concepts:  high/low, fast/slow, body parts, sticky, What questions

Transition activity:  Song:  Colors by Learning Station

Discussion:  Do you know what sticky is?  What things make you sticky? One child said that when he eats pancakes, his fingers get sticky from the syrup.  Another talked about gum in his hair being sticky (sounds like the occurrence made a BIG impression!).  We also talked about glue being sticky.  Then we sang and danced to Jim Gill's Stick To The Glue *** song.  We clapped our hands and pretended they stuck together.  Then we stomped our feet until they (just pretend!) stuck to the glue we stomped in.  Then we shook hands with our friends until *GASP!* we stuck to our friends!  Our last try was hugging (side hugs in preschool) and we stuck to EVERYBODY in Large Group!  This was a lot of fun and I'm sure that the kids will want the Sticky Glue song again.

We ended with the Silly Dance Contest (always a favorite).

***Sorry, there is no link to this Jim Gill song.