Phoneme: /p/
Transition Song: Silly Pizza Song
Vocabulary and Concepts: popcorn, pizza, pasta, peas, pour, sprinkle, on top, crouching, jumping, stopping, pop
Materials: laminated letter P
Pre-literacy: This month we are drawing the letter P. "Start at the top and draw down. Go back to the top and draw a little around."
Discussion: What words have the /p/ sound? Our Silly Pizza song has pizza, soup, peas, spaghetti, and popcorn. Some of the children offered Grandpa, Potato, and Present. We found children who had a /p/ sound in their names.
Next we sang the Popcorn song. We've modified it from the original to make it easy for everyone to sing. The kids loved to be the popcorn (because, jumping!) and liked being the people who made the popcorn because it involved anticipation (slow to fast, soft to loud), clapping and calling out 'STOP!'
Pour on the oil.
Sprinkle on the popcorn.
Put on the lid
Turn up the heat.
<increase volume gradually until loud at the end, rubbing hands together, clap on last word>
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle sizzle
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle,
Sizzle, sizzle, SIZZLE, SIZZLE
<clapping steady beat and sing loud>
Hear the popcorn! Watch it pop!
Hear the popcorn! Watch it pop!
Hear the popcorn! Watch it pop!
Hear the popcorn! Watch it pop!
Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Now we STOP!
(Remember that we modified the words for this song)
This song is so much fun that all of the children requested to sing it again and again. Everyone got multiple chances to be in the middle.