Thursday, September 8, 2016

August/September Week 2: Germs

Phoneme: /b/

Materials:  Laminated Letter B, glitter, lotion, sheet to catch the mess.

Transition song:  Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy by Rachel Arntson

Vocabulary and Concepts:  Soap, water, germs, wash, inbetween, hands, fingers, thumbs, bubbles, sneeze, cough, elbow

Preliteracy:  practice tracing the letter B.  "Start at the top and draw down.  Go back to the top and bounce around."  Practice sound and CVC and CVCV words that have that sound.

Today we learned about germs.  Germs land on our hands when we cough or sneeze into our hands or if we put our fingers in our mouths or noses.  We can keep our hands clean by sneezing and coughing into our elbows.  We practiced sneezing and coughing the right way.

We can take germs off our hands by washing them with soap.  We can not put soap bubbles on our hands and then immediately put them into the water.  We have to rub our hands all over for a little while so the soap bubbles can work.  We learned to sing this song (to the tune of Frere Jaques):

Tops and bottoms, tops and bottoms (wash tops and bottoms of hands)
In between.  In between (lace fingers together)
Wash your thumbs.  Wash your thumbs (wash each thumb)
Now you're clean.  Now you're clean. (Final rub all over hands)

NOW we can rinse those soap bubbles off.

Miss Carrie, Miss Jeana, and Miss Julie do NOT want to get sick so we wash our hands A LOT!

We pretended that glitter was germs.  Miss Carrie rubbed a little lotion on her hands so the glitter would stick.  Then she pour some glitter in her hands and pretended to sneeze into her hands.  Look at her hands!  WHAT A MESS!  Miss Carrie high-fived the teachers and they got glitter on their hands!  Then Miss Carrie high-fived all the children who wanted to try and they got glitter on their hands!  Everyone went to the sink and practiced singing the song while they washed glitter off of their hands.