Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March Week 3: Healthy Habits

Phoneme: /h/

Transition Song: Wake Up! Daily Routines by Dream English.

Materials: Laminated Letter H.  Instrumental Exercise Music

Vocabulary and Concepts:  Healthy Habits, Exercise, Muscles, Stretch, Jump, Push, Circle, Kick, Squat, Crunch, -ing endings, -ed endings, using visual cues.

Pre-Literacy: Let's look at the letter H. Where is the top?  Where is the bottom?  Where is the middle?  What words have that /h/ sound?

We've talked about hygiene.  Now let's talk about healthy habits.  Healthy habits are things we do every day so our bodies will be healthy.  Things like exercise.

What can we do for exercise?  Miss Carrie showed everyone how to do squats, crunches, planks, and stretches.  Then she asked the children what else could we do for exercise.  Someone suggested circling our arms.  Another showed us a stretch she does in dance class.  One of the kids demonstrated jumping jacks.  We jumped and hopped.

Afterwards, we sat on the rug and talked about what we could do outside on the playground.  Running, climbing, jumping, swinging.

During outside time, Miss Carrie made sure to narrate actions.  "You are climbing." "_______ is running."  "You jumped so high!"