Tuesday, April 18, 2017

This week in Miss Jeana's classroom...

In Jeana's classroom this week, she has two activities that will rotate during Small Group.

The first one is looking at numerals, describing them, recording, and tallying which ones have straight lines, curved lines, or straight and curved lines.

 The children learned the definitions for straight and curved.  They've learned about recording and tallying in previous Small Group Activities. 
 Each child received several numeral to explore.  They named them (if they knew them), and traced or copied the numerals onto their own papers.
 They also talked about whether all, some, or none of the numerals had parts that were straight or curved.

Try this at home:  look for numerals while you are out and about or on packages and boxes at home.  Do they have straight lines, curved lines, or both? What about the numerals that make up the ages of the people in your family?  What about the number that defines how many are in your family?

The other activity in Small group involves the ever-popular playdough.  We're making snowmen!
Not just any type of snowmen.  We're making snowmen out of all kinds of shapes.

 Vocabulary: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, big, little, more, less, squish, roll, top/middle/bottom, next to, "I need", "I want".
 Check this out.  The red snowman is 3-D.  The green snowman is made out of stacked shapes.  How avant-garde is that?
The purpose of this activity is to describe, record, count, and compare the type and number of shapes we used to make snowmen.

Do this at home:  Get out play dough, or cut out shapes from paper or other materials.  What kind of shapes can you use to make snowmen?