Phoneme: /s/
Transition Song: Must Be Santa
Materials: Laminated Letter S, Laminated Santa parts, bag of items to dress a snowman
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: What questions, cold/hot, snowball, snow man, boy, girl, baby, bird, popcorn, berry, string, clothing items, melting.
This week we've continued learning
Must Be Santa and
Jingle Bells in prep for our caroling activity in two weeks. See the previous post for the music and information.
Pre-Literacy: Let's draw the Letter S. Start at the top. Swoop over. Swirl down. Swoop under. And stop! What words have that /s/ sound? Snow, same, sing, soup, baseball, kiss. Remember to hide your tongue and keep your teeth together.
Book. This week we are reading
Snowballs by
Lois Elhert. (Remember her? She wrote Leaf Man which we read in October). We are big fans of Lois Elhert!
Look at this snowman. Someone gave him a strawberry nose! What else do you see? |
There was a snow dad and a snow mom and a snow boy and a snow girl and snow pets! That snow mom has peanuts in her purse. Miss Carrie does not carry peanuts in her purse. She carries chocolate in her purse. |
This book also has lots of pictures of real snow people. |
Miss Carrie wanted to build snowmen but there is no snow outside. We wondered how we could solve this problem? We decided to turn some of the teachers into snow teachers. Good thing Miss Carrie brought some things from home.
Who is it? |
Miss Pam is a snow teacher. |
Now it's Miss Jeana's turn to be a snow teacher. |
Miss Jen's class opted to turn all the teachers into snow teachers. |
Miss Debbie is a snow teacher. |
Working on Miss Jen. |
We also sang Once There Was A Snow Man. |
Tall-Tall-TALL! |
We had so much fun making snow teachers! |
DO THIS AT HOME: If you have snow, great! Go build a snowman. But if there is no snow, turn one of your family members into a snow person. What do you have around your house to make a snow person? You could also cut out shapes and magazine pictures to make snowmen pictures. Talk about your activity and narrate your actions.
In case your children have been trying to tell you, Miss Carrie has new glasses for the first time. The glasses make her face look very different. A lot of the kids were commenting about them in both classes. |