Thursday, January 25, 2018

January Week 4: Soup Opera - ENCORE!!!

phoneme: /d/

Transition Song: Colors by Imagination Station

Materials:  laminated letter D, Soup Opera Book, Costumes and Props

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts:  What questions, Who questions, Why questions, director, narrator, characters, props, Your Turn

After a brief discussion about letter D and the sound it makes we pulled out Soup Opera by Jim Gill.  The kids were excited and remembered some of the characters and what they sang - "I can't eat the soup!"  Miss Carrie introduced two new characters.  The narrator who looks at the pictures in the book and tells the story, and the director who points to people and says "It is your turn!"  The children chose parts, picked out what props they thought their character would need (man/woman, waiter, chef, policeman, mayor, President of the United States).  Everyone chose the part they wanted (we often had multiple policemen or Presidents) and we started.  Miss Carrie and the teachers prompted when needed, but for the most part the kids had their parts memorized.  The directors and narrators did very well in making sure the production ran smoothly.

We will be visiting this one more time (the next time with music).  The children have changed parts each time they participated as they explore other characters.  It is up to them what costume/prop/puppet they need. We have ample opportunities to use What/Where/Why and Your Turn.  The newest What concepts are "What does a __________do?"  "What does a _________ need?" The children are familiar with waiters, chefs and police people.  We discussed what a mayor does (in charge of the city) and what a President does (this one was much harder so we left it as "in charge of everyone in the play").

This week during therapy Miss Carrie was given a check up with a million shots (and bruises to prove it), and a tropical cruise to make her feel better.

Turn on a camera and everyone has to mug.  

Miss Carrie, what are you doing?

Shots on my face but not in my mouth.  Shots on my shoulders, back, hands, feet, and nose.

We looks silly!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

January Week 2 & 3: Hiding Phil

phoneme: /d/

Transition Song: Colors by Imagination Station

Materials: Laminated letter D, book Hiding Phil by Eric Barclay

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: hiding, under, big/little, play, thinking, Where, Who

Pre-literacy:  Let's draw the letter D.  Start at the top and draw down.  Go back to the top and draw around.  I noticed that the letter D has a straight line and a curved line.  What words have that /d/ sound?  Draw, dog, Donald Duck, sad, dinner.

Activity:  We read the book Hiding Phil by Eric Barclay.

Phil is an elephant. The children want to play with him.  Then they try to hide him from Mom and Dad.  Just wait until you see where Phil tries to hide?  Where is Phil?

After we read the book, we played Hide-and-Seek.  Miss Carrie covered her eyes and counted to 10.  Everyone went to hide under something.  When Miss Carrie found us, she took our picture.

This class had a fire drill planned during Large Group.  We practiced hiding under our coats so we were prepared when the fire drill occurred in the middle of Large Group.

DO THIS AT HOME:  Play Hide and Seek and find places to hide under.  Take pictures and talk about it with the family.  This might be a good time to talk about when  it is okay to hide (when everyone is playing hide and seek together, not when Mom or Dad are calling your name and want to know where you are.)