Transition Song: Colors by Imagination Station
Materials: Laminated letter D, book Hiding Phil by Eric Barclay
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: hiding, under, big/little, play, thinking, Where, Who
Pre-literacy: Let's draw the letter D. Start at the top and draw down. Go back to the top and draw around. I noticed that the letter D has a straight line and a curved line. What words have that /d/ sound? Draw, dog, Donald Duck, sad, dinner.
Activity: We read the book Hiding Phil by Eric Barclay.
Phil is an elephant. The children want to play with him. Then they try to hide him from Mom and Dad. Just wait until you see where Phil tries to hide? Where is Phil?
After we read the book, we played Hide-and-Seek. Miss Carrie covered her eyes and counted to 10. Everyone went to hide under something. When Miss Carrie found us, she took our picture.
This class had a fire drill planned during Large Group. We practiced hiding under our coats so we were prepared when the fire drill occurred in the middle of Large Group.