Thursday, February 1, 2018

January Week 5: D is for DRUMMING!

phoneme: /d/

Transition Song: Colors by Imagination Station

Materials:  Laminated Letter D, sturdy cardboard boxes

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts:  quiet/loud, fast/slow, directions compare, follow, experiment, -er endings.

Pre-literacy Skills:  Draw the letter D.  Now the children are helping Miss Carrie figure out how to draw the letter D.  What words have the /d/ sound in them? Dessert, drink, pudding, seed, lemonade, toad.

This week Miss Carrie brought in a lot of boxes.  We drummed on the boxes.  We explored drumming fast and slow as well as loud and quiet.  Can we drum fast and quiet?  What about loud and slow?  Everyone agreed they liked drumming fast and loud best.  Miss Carrie would call out HANDS UP! Everyone knew to put their hands up so the room would be quiet enough to hear Miss Carrie.  We discovered that when we were drumming we couldn't hear her talking!  One of our classroom rules is to have quiet mouths and eyes on teacher when teacher is talking.

We took turns following each other.  One child would be asked "It's your turn.  Show us a new way to drum".  Everyone got a chance to be the leader.  Some chose to drum with their knuckles, or backs of their hands, or their forehead, or their fingers, or their chin.  Others chose to drum fast and loud or slow and loud, or slow and quiet. We all followed along and it was funny!

We experimented.  Which is louder - drumming on boxes or the floor?  Drumming on the sensory table or boxes?  Drumming on boxes or pillows?  What about drumming on the snack tables or the boxes?  Boxes were louder, but the sensory table was the loudest.

Miss Carrie didn't get pictures of everyone because we were so busy drumming.

We also explored short and tall and built a very tall tower during Work Time.

The weather was so nice to place outside!


Is the tower taller than me?

Is it taller than me, Miss Carrie?

We had a great time sliding.

Miss Jen wanted to slide, too!

DO THIS AT HOME:  Do some experiments drumming loud/quiet and fast/slow.  Drum on different surfaces and talk about what you hear.  Build some tall towers with blocks, pillows, or boxes.  How tall can you make it?