Thursday, September 27, 2018

August/September Week 5: Bounce Your Body

Given that it is a short week, we used Large Group to move our bodies.  I introduced Wave Your Hands Up High from Preschool Action Songs:

This is a great song to reinforce basic concepts (high/low, front/back) and action words (jump, hop, swim, shake, wave).  Gross motor movement and fun music!

Miss Jen introduced us to Cosmic Kids Yoga Betsy The Banana:

This was FULL of /b/ words: Betsy, banana, breakfast, bicycle, bus, birthday, behind, bunch, ballerina, ballet, bing, bouncing, bounce house, boing, balloon, bird, birthday cake, birthday party, blow, breathe, back.  The teachers got a big kick out of the kids British accent pronunciation of banana

Do this at home:  dance together!  Talk about your movements and concepts (high/low, fast/slow, stop/go).