Transition Song: Colors by The Learning Station. This week we started singing without the music so we could adapt the colors to what the children were wearing.
Materials: Laminated letter D, Scarves, jingle bells, music
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: dance, What questions, head, neck, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hand, front/back, hip, leg, knee, feet, high/low, fast/slow, jump, sway, stomp, spin or twirl, wave, flap
Pre-literacy: This week we traced our letter D by driving our fingers and making car noises. Then we danced our fingers around the letter D.
Miss Carrie announced that we would dance for Large Group. We had to decide on at least 2 body parts to move. We waved arms and kicked legs. We stomped feet, we swayed our hips, shrugged our shoulders, and shook our head. Miss Carrie brought scarves and bells. We shook bells and waved scarves. We threw the scarves in the air. The music was fast and slow, popular songs, blue grass, big band, and soundtracks. After each song, we talked to our teachers about What body part we moved.
DO THIS AT HOME: Turn on your favorite music and start moving! Talk about what body parts you are moving and how you are moving them. Use props. Take pictures and look at them. Save a few to show other family members and help your child tell the others what they were doing. You could even print a few pictures to make a book. Don't be surprised if it becomes a favorite book.