Transition Song: Wake up - Daily Routines by Dream English
Materials: Laminated letter P, You Are A Lion book, yoga music
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: Poses, lion, heels, hands, knees, roar, feet, toes, legs, butterfly, wings, stand, bend, touch, dog, stretch, stomach, shoulders, push, snake, hiss, squat, hop, frog, kneel, head, back, cat, palms, high/low, quiet, mountain.
Pre-literacy: Draw the letter P. This week we pretended to be race cars and then dinosaurs as we drew the letter P.
Miss Carrie asked again (referring to the Wake Up-Daily Routines song) WHO woke up this morning, WHO washed their face, WHO brushed their teeth, WHO ate breakfast, WHO came to school. We talked about how this was part of our morning plan.
Miss Carrie's morning plan includes exercise. Usually, she goes to Orange Theory, but sometimes she does yoga. We read a book called Roar Like A Lion and Other Fun Yoga Poses by Taeeun Yoo. (Her illustrations are wonderful!) Miss Carrie turned on soft yoga music and we did yoga.
In the book we did yoga poses that looked like lions, cats, dogs, frogs, snakes, and mountains. Some poses were easier than others. Miss Carrie asked "What does a lion say?" We roared (but quietly) like lions. We hissed like snakes, making sure our teeth were together and hiding our tongues. We meowed and woofed and ribbited. Butterflies don't make sounds but we fluttered our legs like butterfly wings. We tried to predict what animal would be on the next page.
DO THIS AT HOME: Do yoga together. No special equipment, just go for it. You can find children's yoga videos on Youtube or find this book at the library.
Other happenings:
We played outside this week!