Miss Carrie has a new app. Its called VideoTouch Bugs. She put it up on the Apple TV screen:
On the app, there is a screen with 12 bugs. It looks like this.
We took turns choosing the bug we wanted to see and tapping on it. Everyone watched the screen. We saw a caterpillar change into a butterfly, ants crawling, bees and flies flying, and spiders spinning. We saw millepedes, ladybugs, dragonflies, praying mantis, and walking sticks.
We talked about WHAT is it, WHERE it is, and if anyone saw them in their yards. The children were fascinated watching the spider spin a web and the caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Each icon has 5 different bug videos.
DO THIS AT HOME: Go on a bug walk. What bugs can you identify? Take pictures to show other family members at home.