In preschool, we explore food during Snack Time. This particular day in Miss Jeana's classroom, stick pretzels and canned green beans were offered. Children can say yes or no. You wouldn't be surprised by how many children immediately said no to green beans. But guess what happened next?
We made letters from our pretzels. |
We had fun showing our teachers how to do it. |
Miss Carrie decided she could turn her pretzels into chopsticks. Everyone wanted to try. |
Then Miss Carrie made a green bean mustache! It was so funny! |
Some of us made pretzel mustaches. |
More mustaches. |
Then some of the children watched Miss Carrie taste the green bean. She decided she liked it. Soon, lots of kids were tasting green beans. Some decided they didn't like it. That's okay. It's important to try foods to see if you like them or not. Other children decided they liked the green beans. Some even speared them with pretzel sticks or used pretzels like chopsticks.
The important takeaway here is to play with your food, explore it, and no stress about eating. Cheer for the effort of trying it. It's okay to put it down and not eat it. It can stay on your plate or napkin until you're ready to clean up.