Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: same/different, big/little, loud/quiet, long/short, smooth/spiny, stomp, walk, fly, run, swim, eat, identify parts of a whole (EX: The head of the dinosaur), head, back, feet, Who questions, What questions, Where questions.
This week we read a book together called Dinosaur, Dinosaur by Byron Barton.
Every time Miss Carrie said the word dinosaur we clapped it and said it with her. The word is divided up into three parts called syllables. We practiced the word over and over. We said dinosaur with fierce voices, with hungry voices, with tired voices, with tiny voices, and with big voices.
Then Miss Carrie brought out toy dinosaurs. They looked just like the ones in the book! We traded with friends if we wanted to. Then Miss Carrie told us to look at the head of the dinosaur. We found the head. Miss Carrie showed us pictures and asked if our dinosaur looked like the picture. We looked at the back of the dinosaur and the tail of the dinosaurs. Everyone had dinosaurs that looked different. We talked about which dinosaurs walked on two feet and which ones walked on four feet.
DO THIS AT HOME: pick out some favorite toys and compare and contrast. What looks the same and what looks different? Point out the parts of the toy. Be sure to get down on the floor and play with the toys with your child. Let your child lead on what to do.