Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: jungle, animal, grasshopper, bug, gopher, eagle seagull, penguin, dog, goat, goldfish, gecko, glow worm, gazelle, grouse, earwig, grisson, sea slug, wart hog, gorilla, pig, frog, flamingo, loud/quiet, Where questions, What questions, like/don't like, ocean, farm, zoo, mountain, outside, my house.
Transition Song: Five Little Ghosts by the Kiboomers.
This week we played Out In The Jungle. Miss Carrie would call out:
Binoculars Up!
Out in the jungle, What did I see?
I saw a.......
Now, here is the catch: we had a lot of pictures taped around the room at kid eye level. Each picture was an animal we might be familiar with or not. But they all had a /g/ sound at the beginning, middle, or end of the word. Everyone moved around the room to hunt for the pictures with their pretend binoculars held up to their eyes. Everyone had fun trying to find the animals. Sometimes we had to ask Miss Carrie "What is that?!" No one had seen a glow worm or a sea slug or a grisson before. The teachers would mark the sound and we practiced the words. We talked about what is was and where we might have seen it before.
(Miss Carrie was so busy during the activity, she didn't take pictures!)
DO THIS AT HOME: find some magazine pictures of animals and put them up around your house. Go for a hunt to find them. Let your child lead. If you're working on articulation, model the word slowly once and let it go. Don't make your child repeat it. If they do repeat it, it gives you another opportunity to say "You found a _________!" and model one more time. If your child is working on language, label and ask What and Where questions. If your child is working on communication, give them a chart with matching pictures so they can find it and circle or mark the picture on their chart as they go.