Transition Song: Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: What/Where/Who, like/don't like, pop/popping/popped, jump/jumping/jumped, sprinkle/sprinkling/sprinkled, pour/pouring/poured, oil, pan, heat, sizzle, snack,
This week we read a book about popcorn.
We learned about where it came from, what it looks like, and how it pops. Where do you eat popcorn? At the movies? At home? At the park? Do you like popcorn?
Then Miss Carrie taught us the popcorn song. Its a preschool version of Energizers! Popcorn's In The Popper by Susan Roser. In the song, first the teacher sings, then the class sings.
The teachers helped Miss Carrie sing the Popcorn Song!
Pour on the oil. (repeat)
Sprinkle in the popcorn. (repeat)
Put on the lid. (repeat)
Turn up the heat. (repeat)
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle (get louder)
sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle (get louder)
Sizzle, sizzle, SIZZLE, SIZZLE, POP! (clap hands on pop)
Hear the popcorn. Watch it pop. (jumping)
Hear the popcorn. Watch it pop.
Hear the popcorn. Watch it pop.
Hear the popcorn. Watch it pop.
Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!
Now we STOP!
Everyone had fun singing and jumping. They asked to do it again and again. Then, for Snack Time, we had popcorn.
DO THIS AT HOME: Any popcorn book will do. Read the book together, asking and answering What/Where questions. Sing the song together and follow your child's lead. End with a popcorn snack.