Transition Song: Must Be Santa by Raffi
We only sing the first three verses in class and we sing it without the music. The music is too fast for little kids.
This week, Miss Carrie introduced Must Be Santa song and Jingle Bells. She brought jingle bells for everyone to shake.
Then Miss Carrie pulled our her scarves. There were a lot of different colors: dark pink, light pink, yellow, red, blue, purple, orange, green. We each got to choose a color. We had to think of a second color choice if our first choice was already gone. Miss Carrie turned on the music and we showed the teachers what we could do. The teachers followed us, and sometimes would provide vocabulary words or expand phrases if we needed help. We listened to Yo-Yo Ma play tango on his cello, Steve Martin play banjo with the Steep Canyon Rangers, and the London Philharmonic Orchestra perform Flight Of The Bumblebee. We guessed if the music was fast or slow, loud or quiet.
DO THIS AT HOME: scarves, paper, socks, small towels, or little blankets. Turn on some music, get your dance moves on, and have your child show you what to do. Help them narrate their actions. Get the entire family involved.