Transition Song: Colors
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: show me, jump, slide, swing, spin, sway, shake, fast/slow, high/low, same/different, head, arms, shoulders, knees, feet, fingers, toes
This week Miss Carrie did not want to be in charge. Everyone else got to be in charge. They decided if they wanted fast or slow music (Encanto and Ratatouille were particular favorites). Then they had to show the teachers what to do. If the teachers couldn't do it the same, the kids had to show it again and coach them through the moves. Kids were jumping, swaying, spinning, and shaking. They were moving fast and slow, high and low. Sometimes they had to tell the teachers which body parts to use. Sometimes they told the teachers to go faster. One kid even wanted to do burpees (jump high, fall to pushup on the floor, jump high again). Everyone took turns showing the teachers what to do.
(No pictures this week. Miss Carrie cannot take pictures and do burpees at the same time.)
DO THIS AT HOME: Music or no music. Do what your child is doing. It doesn't have to be dancing. Have your child show and tell you how to set the table, how to brush your teeth, how to make a bed, or how to play a game.