Thursday, December 8, 2022

I Love My Red Shoes!

 Transition Song: Must Be Santa By Raffi. (Note: we sing the first three verses and without the music.  We sing it much slower that the music.  This is a great song for learning to answer the question Who.)

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: big/little, same/different, on/off, wet/dry heavy/light, What/Where/Who/When, labeling colors, laces, straps, buckles, slip on, velcro, cry, wear.

This week, we read Miss Carrie's favorite book Pete The Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin and James Dean.

Miss Carrie loves Pete The Cat so much, she dresses like Pete The Cat for Halloween. 

Pete The Cat with RED shoes!

We noticed that Pete's shoes looked the same but they changed to different colors. We sang the song about I Love My White/Red/Blue/Brown/Wet shoes.

Then Miss Carrie brought out a lot of shoes.  Some were big and some were small.  Some looked the same and some looked different.  Some had buckles or laces or velcro.  Some had nothing and just slipped on.  There were so many different colors.  Miss Carrie even brought her Pete The Cat red shoes!

DO THIS AT HOME:  Pull out your shoes.  Match shoes together, talk about same/different, big/small, laces, buckles, velcro, and colors.  And where do shoes go?  Practice putting shoes where they go at your house.

You can find Pete The Cat: I Love My White Shoes at the library.