Large Group Activity
Date: December Week 1
Title: Music
Phoneme: /M/
Pre-Literacy: Trace
the Letter M. “Draw up the mountain. Go
back down. Draw up the mountain, and down to the town.” Talk about words that have the /m/
sound. Merry. Moo. Mouse. Me. Does
anyone have a name with the /m/ sound?
Materials required: Laminated
Letter M, Laminated Santa parts, classical music, movie sound tracks,
lullabies, rhythm sticks
Book: Quiet Loud
Concepts: Music,
Fast/Slow, high/Low, Loud/Soft, Who questions
We're practicing to go caroling to the front office later this month. We're singing Must Be Santa and Jingle Bells. We're putting together our own Santa as we sing (see picture at the top). Don't forget to clap-clap right before "Must be Santa" in the chorus!
Discussion: listen to
the Santa Song. Do we sing loud or
soft? When do we sing high? When do we sing low?
Now let's listen to other songs. We listened to Star Wars, Bridge Over The River Kwai, As Time Goes By, Libertango, Sing Sing Sing, and Taylor Swift's Shake It Off. (but I'm linking this Disney parody because it is hilarious.) Use rhythm sticks to keep the beat. Is the music fast or slow? Is it loud or soft?
Now use your voice like a fire engine to go high and low. Whisper, Inside table talk voice, Outside loud voice. Ouch, Outside voices are too loud inside the classroom.
Now use your voice like a fire engine to go high and low. Whisper, Inside table talk voice, Outside loud voice. Ouch, Outside voices are too loud inside the classroom.
What voice do we use in the classroom? Inside voice?
What voice do we use in the hallway. Voices off.
What voice do we use on the playground? Outside voice.