Monday, December 7, 2015

December Week 2: MAD!!! (and other Emotions)

Large  Group Activity

Date:  December Week 2

Title:  MAD!!! (and other Emotions)

Phoneme: /m/

Pre-Literacy:  Trace the Letter M.  “Draw up the mountain. Go back down. Draw up the mountain, and down to the town.”  Talk about words that have the /m/ sound.  Merry. Moo. Mouse. Me. Does anyone have a name with the /m/ sound?

Materials required:  Laminated Letter M, Laminated Santa parts,

Song: Jim Gill “You’re Face Will Surely Show It”'
Book:  How Do Dinosaurs Say I'm Mad? By Jane Yolen and Mark Teague

Concepts:  Emotions, What /How Questions.

Transition activity:  Song:  Must Be Santa, by Raffi

Discussion:  Let’s talk about MAD!  Show me your mad face.  Look at my mad face.  How do you know that I’m mad?  Can you do a happy face?  Look at my happy face.  How do you know that I’m happy?  Can you make a sad face?  Look at my sad face.  How do you know I’m sad?  Go through scared, sleepy, cold, surprised, silly too.

Is it okay to be mad?  Sure it is.  Is it okay to throw toys, kick chairs, pitch a fit, or hit our friends?  NO!  We want to be careful with our friends and the things in our classroom.  So what can we do when we're mad?  In this book we learn we can count to 10 and take a deep breath.  We practiced doing this along with the dinosaur in the book. We can also say "STOP!", be a problem solver, or ask a teacher to help us solve the problem.

Play Jim Gill’s “You’re Face Will Surely Show It” song.  Point out how there are ways everyone acts the same and there are ways everyone acts differently when they are mad, sad, or happy.  

After note:  I asked every child to pick a face to show the rest of the class so we could guess.  We had a great range of happy, sad, scared, mad, sleepy, surprised, and silly.  They thought it was great fun, especially silly faces.