Vocabulary and Concepts: First, Last, Stop, Who questions
Pre-Literacy: Due to time constraints, we skipped this part.
This week we are discussing the concept of First/Last. We talked about a Conga line and how we put our hands on the shoulders (or back) of the person in front of us and follow the leader around the room. Then we learned a Conga Line Song:
Doo-doo-do-the Conga!
Doo-doo-do the Conga!
Doo-doo-do the Conga!
(Teacher calls out) Who is first? (Everyone calls out the child’s name)
(Teacher calls out) Who is last? (Everyone calls out the child’s name)
(Everyone chants) ________is first!
_______ is last!
(First child’s name), go to the back!
(child goes to the back and you start over)
Ready, set, GO!
This repeats until everyone has a chance to be first and last. The first child gets to decide where to go. We danced our Conga Line all around the room. Miss Carrie played African Conga Drum music while we danced.
This activity was so much fun that some kids formed a Conga line during recess and played it again.
Do this at home: Form your own Conga line and dance around the room. Then talk about other things that are first and last. When you make a plan to do something (cook dinner, shop at the store, get ready for bed) talk about what you are going to do first and then what you will do last.