Transition Song: Circle Time Song by the Kiboomers.
Materials: Laminated letter S, SoundTouch App
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: What questions, predicting, animals, vehicles, Where questions, sounds, listen.
Pre-Literacy: Let's draw the letter S. Start at the top. Swoop over. Swirl down. Swoop under and STOP.
Today we are using our ears to listen to sounds. I've talked about the SoundTouch App before. The children love this activity. We turn off our voices and turn on our ears. We are listening to animal sounds and trying to figure out what the animal might be. Lion, dog, cat, pig, elephant, sheep, and snake are easy. Bear, camel, zebra, frog, and kangaroo are hard. Owl was challenging. Train, fire engine, motorcycle, airplane, and boat were exciting. Bicycle was funny (because of the bell and the squeaky wheels).
When you tap on the drawing, one of four possible photographs pops up of that object with a sound. Each photograph is different with a slightly different sound of the same object. The children were amazed that frogs would sound so different from each other. There were other objects that were similar or different in each photograph. We talked about listening for "Clues" to help us determine what the answer would be. One the children predicted what it would be, I turned the iPad around to show them the picture. What is the animal? Where does it live?
This activity gave us a lot of opportunities to practice our /s/ sound.
Do this at home: What sounds do you hear at home? Walking around outside? At the zoo or a farm? In the woods on a hike? Can you identify what made that sound?
- "What is that sound?"
- "I hear a.....".
- Where is it? Can you find it?