Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May Week 3: First, Next, Last

Phoneme: /s/

Transition Song: The Circle Song by the Kiboomers

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts:  First, Next, Last, action words, plan, "show me", message

Pre- Literacy: (we skipped pre-literacy this week because the next activity would need all of the time.)

Today we are talking about First, Next and Last.  Let's look at the schedule?  What comes first?  What comes next?  What comes last?  Book Time comes first.  Go Home is last.  (The schedule is the same for both teachers.)

Let's look at the message board. (This is different every single day and different between teachers.  It usually consists of 2 to 4 messages. The messages are line-drawn pictures.)  What is the first message?  What comes next?  What is the last message?

Next we made a plan of First, Next, and Last of movement that we could do to music.  Some of the children were able to come up with an idea on their own.  Other children needed a choice of 2 or 3 to decide on a movement.  We numbered them 1, 2, and 3, and then discussed what came First, Next, and Last.  I turned on some instrumental hip hop music and had the children consistently refer to the message in order to know which movement to do.  Here are some of the ideas the children came up with:

In this plan, first we clapped, next we patted our cheeks, and last we bent our knees. I chose Flight of the Bumblebee for the music so we could clap very fast.

In this plan first we rocked back and forth on our pockets (core workout!), next we did jumping jacks, and last we pretended to sleep (which was great after all that exercise).  Charlie Brown theme music didn't quite match the sleeping but worked for everything else.

In this plan, we first stomped.  Next we took giant steps.  Last we balanced on one foot.  I turned on Libertango for the music choice, which the kids surprisingly thought was fun.

Other action choices the kids came up with were running in place, jumping, superhero poses, Hulk Smash, dancing like a ballerina, touching our toes, flying like a butterfly (Miss Jeana has caterpillars in chrysalis in her room right now), and using our arms to draw big circles.

Do this at home:  Make a plan for first, next, and last while you're doing chores or getting ready for an outing.  Or even plan an outing with a first, next, and last - last being a treat.  Be sure you draw your plan out and refer to first/next/last often.