Friday, October 6, 2017

Miss Carrie's Tiara

Okay, I'm not sure if your children have commented on this particular subject this week:

It's my birthday week which gave me an excuse to wear my tiara.  When I wear my Harry Potter or Captain America/Hulk lego earrings, I get a lot of language from my kids in both classrooms.  When I changed my hair from blond to red, I received A LOT of comments from the kids.  So I thought I'd see what I would get when I wore my QUEEN tiara to class every single day.

Apparently, the wearing of tiaras is so common with the preschool set that I received looks but very few comments from the kids.  I received a lot of comments from my colleagues at school.  A lot of comments from parents.  Even random people (delivery, bus drivers, people in the neighborhood).  Hmmm.  So, just in case your child said something about Miss Carrie's crown  at you know.