Monday, October 30, 2017

October Week 4: Basic Concepts and Colors with Scarves

phoneme: /g/

Transition Song: Five Little Ghosts by the Kiboomers

Materials: Laminated Letter G, scarves, Wave Your Hands Up High by Preschool Action Songs Volume 1.

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: high/low, fast/slow, front/back left/right, heavy/light, twist, shake, jump, swim, I/Me/Mine/My, "Show me...", "Help me....".

Pre-literacy: Last chance to trace the letter G.  "Draw half a circle, not a frown.  Go across the middle and then down."  Look around the room. Do you see anything that has the /g/ sound? Green, bag, bug.

Miss Carrie brought a box. A box full of scarves!  We named the colors: Red, green, blue, purple, yellow, orange, and four kinds of pink!  Everyone picked a color.  We put scarves on our heads to see if the world changed color.  What else can you do with scarves? Miss Carrie played Wave Your Hands Up High by Preschool Action Songs.

We waved our scarves high and low. We shook our scarves fast and slow.  We jumped front and back.  We hopped left and right.  We jumped and twisted and swam with our scarves.  Miss Carrie asked if the scarves were heavy or light.  We watched our scarves float to the ground when we threw them.  Miss Carrie and the teachers would try to copy what we did with the scarves.  Sometimes we had to show them how to do it.  Miss Carrie needed a lot of help so we showed her over and over. "Show me how you _________".  "Help me do that."
When we were all done, Miss Carrie called out a color.  If we had that color of scarf, we put it back in her box for next time.  

Do this at home: play with scarves, glow sticks, leaves, pillows, toys.  Wave them around, shake them, jump with them, dance with them.  Narrate how you are moving with your object.  Try to copy your child in their movements.  Help them narrate with simple 3+ word utterances.  Ask them to show you how to do what they are doing.  Start copying their movements.  They will love it!  Make it a dance party and get the whole family involved.