Transition Song: Wake Up Daily Routines by Dream English.
Materials: Laminated Letter D, laminated photos of food on white background
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: "Do you like _____?", "I do"/"I don't". thumbs up/thumbs down. bacon, grilled cheese sandwich, doughnut, hot dog, chips, watermelon, jello, rice, pear, macaroni and cheese, hot chocolate, strawberries, spaghetti, pancakes, soup, green beans, oatmeal, carrots, pizza, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, salad, popcorn, cake, broccoli, grapes, cookie, french fries, dry beans, tomato, orange, celery, banana, apple, corn, scrambled eggs, potato, ice cream.
Pre-literacy: Draw the letter D. Start at the top and draw down. Go back to the top and draw around. What words have the /d/ sound? Dinosaur, dot, dinner, dance, dip, dude.
Miss Carrie showed everyone that she had A LOT of pictures of foods. Some foods were cooked, some were raw. Some were for snacks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Everyone chose 3 pictures to show their friends. Every friend held up a picture and asked the entire class "Do you like ________? and labeled their picture. Everyone then answered "I do!" or "I don't!" and gave a thumbs up and thumbs down. We remembered that Miss Carrie does NOT like peanut butter. Not everyone liked pizza. Everyone liked ice cream. Some of us liked broccoli, tomatoes, and carrots.
At the end we sang Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? And laughed at the silly combinations.
DO THIS AT HOME: at mealtimes talk about what foods you like and foods you don't like. You can't say "I don't like it" unless you try it. Miss Carrie tries foods she thinks she doesn't like once in a while to see if she changed her mind. Talk about favorite foods of other family members or friends. If Grandpa really likes cookies, take him a plate of cookies. Practice asking "Do you like..." and "I do/I don't".