phoneme: /d/
Transition Song: Wake Up Daily Routines by Dream English
(We're really going to miss singing this. It was one of the children's favorites.)
Materials: Scarves, Music
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: listening to directions, High/Low, Fast/Slow, jump, twist, hop, swim, wave, triangle, circle, square, trade
Pre-Literacy: We dispensed with drawing our letter D in order to give us enough time for the main activity.
This week Miss Carrie pulled out her scarves and music. We chose colors and then listened to directions to know if we should wave, jump, hop, twist, or swim. We had to be careful with our bodies so we did not accidentally hit anyone with our scarves.
We found friends to ask if they would like to trade colors with us and practiced using our kind words. Then we got into groups of three or four to see if we could connect our scarves together to make triangles (they have three sides!) or squares (they have four sides!). We stood with everybody to make one giant circle with all of our scarves.
DO THIS AT HOME: try this with scarves, blankets, ribbons, or other materials. What materials are good for waving? What materials are good for making shapes? How many people do we need to make a triangle? Count them. Look for shapes around your neighborhood.