Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October Week 3: Revisit the Favorites

This week in Large Group with Miss Carrie we revisited favorite songs.  Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy by Rachel Arntson and Silly Dance Contest by Jim Gill were favorites.  But there was another one that Miss Jeana does in her classroom that each one of her morning and afternoon classes requested:  SPOOKY WALK!

This one is popular every single year.  It is similar to Bear Hunt but with a Halloween Theme.

This weekend, go out for an autumn walk.  Look for leaves.  Look for familiar signs (grocery, stop signs, Halloween signs).  Start practicing saying "Trick or Treat" or "treat" or "Treat, please".  Or learn how to sign 'candy' and 'Happy Halloween'.  I like learning signs from Signing Time.

Do you know what you are going to dress up as for Halloween?  I'm dressing up like Pete The Cat!