Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October Week 5: Happy Halloween!

 This week was all about Halloween!  With the exception of Thursday (which was a repeat of last week's activity Out In The Jungle) Large Groups consisted of games, Halloween yoga and trick-or-treating.  But first, what did the teachers dress up as?

Miss Carrie was Pete The Cat.....
With his RED shoes!

Miss Jeana and Miss Suzanne were witches.  Miss Kelly was a cat and Miss Traci was a pirate.

Miss Jen was a princess on a unicorn.  Miss Shirley was a Minnie Mouse Witch, Miss Debbie was a cowgirl, and Miss Bella was a dog.
We played a lot of games and had fun doing yoga.  We practiced saying 'Happy Halloween' and 'Trick Or Treat'.

The morning preschool watched the Halloween parade.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!  Get ready for next week when we start to learn our Thanksgiving song and talk about foods we might see/eat during Thanksgiving!