Transition Song: One Finger One Thumb Keep Moving. (There are a lot of versions of this on the internet. I do a modified, much slower version with no outside music. The first verse goes:
One finger, one thumb keep moving.
One finger, one thumb keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, keep moving
We'll all be happy today.
We add on one arm, one leg, one head, stand up-sit down on additional verses. I'll try to post a video during one class time so you can get the idea. Everything on the internet was too fast, different words, so not similar enough to post.)
Materials: Laminated Letter C, Book: Caterpillar to Butterfly, scarves
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: first/next/last, little/big, molting, metamorphosis, caterpillar, butterfly, grow, chrysalis, proboscis, head, body, wings, leaves, ground, air, fly, crawl, wriggle, wiggle, eat, egg.
Pre-Literacy: Draw the Letter C
Start at the bottom? NO! Start at the top.
Draw half a circle and then we stop.
This week Miss Carrie brought out a BIG book called Caterpillar to Butterfly by Deborah Heiligman. (Thanks again to everyone who donated to this Donors Choose project! The children love the giant books.) It had a lot of big new words in it. Every time we heard the words Caterpillar or Butterfly, we would say it and clap the syllables. Ca-ter-pil-lar. Bu-tter-fly. We even tried to clap the biggest word ever: Metamorphosis. We talked about what happened first, next, and last. We learned about chrysalis. then we used scarves to crawl like caterpillars, wrap up like a chrysalis, and fly like butterflies. We talked about if we had ever seen a butterfly in our own yards or at the park.
(Sorry, no pictures this week)
DO THIS AT HOME: Check out caterpillar/butterfly books at the library to read at home. Go on walks to look for caterpillars and butterflies. Thanksgiving Point has a Butterfly Biosphere that would be fun to visit.