Thursday, April 25, 2019

April Week 3: I Can Do That

Phoneme: /k/

Transition Song: One Finger, One Thumb Keep Moving

Materials: Let's Get Moving Activity Mats (Thanks, Donors Choose project donors!), Laminated Letter C

Vocabulary and Basic Concepts:  jump, march, jog, hop, tiptoe, arm circles, crab walk, frog jump, jumping jack, sit, reach, skip, stretch, balance, squat, touch toes, exercise, help

This week we played I Can Do That.  Miss Carrie brought a bunch of colorful squares that she put all over the classroom floor.  Each square had a picture of an action.  We could go anywhere in the room, look at the picture, then try to do the action.  We could tell our friends and teachers "I can do that!", or we could ask for help.  We labeled all the actions. We hopped, jumped, balanced, stretched.  We skipped, marched, squatted, and circled our arms. If we needed help balancing, we could ask for help and hold hands.

DO THIS AT HOME:  It's easy to play I Can Do That!  It's even more fun when your child gets to lead and show you what he/she can do and you try to do it, too.  You can make cards or just come up with fun actions.  Be sure to label your actions to increase that vocabulary.