Transition Song: Wake Up! Daily Routines by Dream English
(Our actions to this song are very different from the original. Your child might know them.)
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: Who-questions, What-questions, first/next/last, plan, exercise, action + ing, action + ed, body parts, counting, wake/woke up,
First, we sang our transition song. Then Miss Carrie asked these questions:
Who woke up this morning?
Who washed their face this morning?
Who brushed their teeth this morning?
Who combed their hair this morning?
Who ate breakfast this morning?
Who came to school this morning?
I did! Everyone had a chance to answer the questions.
OH, NO!!!! Who exercised this morning? Miss Carrie forgot to exercise this morning! Quick, we have to come up with a plan. We planned what to do first, what to do next, and what to do last. Miss Carrie wrote the plan on the board. Everyone talked about what we were doing and counted. Then we looked over the plan again to make sure we covered everything for first, next, and last. Everyone came up with more than one plan so we could make sure we got enough exercise.
(Can you recognize what we did for one of our plans? First, we jumped up and down. Next, we jumped with our legs out and then jumped our legs in. Last, we ice-skated from side to side.)
DO THIS AT HOME: Get some paper and come up with a plan. Let your child take the lead on what to do first, next, and last. Have them draw with as much independence as they can, or have them tell you what to draw. Complete each movement while labeling them first, next, last. Then go over the plan on the paper to see if you completed first, next, and last. It doesn't have to be exercise. It could be a trip to the store, followed by time at the park, and then home to make dinner. It could be folding socks, eat lunch, and then play with cars. This is also a great way for your child to have a visual reminder of what is going on that day.