Transition Song: Wake Up! Daily Routines by Dream English
(Remember, we do actions differently than this song shows. Ask your child to show you while you play the song.)
Vocabulary and Basic Concepts: high/low, slow, stretch, lion, dog, cat, snake, frog, butterfly, mountain, Who-questions ,What-questions.
This week, Miss Carrie read the book You Are A Lion And Other Fun Yoga Poses By Taeeun Yoo.
In the book, we read about different poses and tried to guess what animal we were. We stretched up tall, or stretched on our hands and needs with our back up and head down. We pretended to be a lion, a frog, a butterfly, a cat, a dog, a snake, and a mountain.
Miss Carrie turned on calm music and we practiced breathing through our nose and out our mouth. Then we took turns coming up with our own poses. We tried to be a crab, a giraffe and a mouse.
DO THIS AT HOME: turn on calm music and see what kind of poses your can come up with together as a family. Put your child in charge.