Gathering song: Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy
Pre-Literacy: Trace letter B "start at the top and draw down. Go back to the top and bounce around." Talk about using your pointer finger. We use it to point. We use it to say #1.
Concepts: Stop/Go, up/down/around, open/close, fast/slow, loud/quiet, listening
The second half of the week (Tuesday and Thursday) we listen to sounds of other things that go: Bus, boat, bike, trains, tractors, motorcycles, airplanes, fire trucks, tractors, horse and cart, and cars. It is all on the same Soundtouch app I listed the previous post. We practiced saying our /b/ words (bus, boat, bike, bye bye). Then we ended by pretending we were bus drivers. We turned on the bus, drove fast, drove slow, beeped the horn, looked for people, stopped the bus, opened the doors, welcomed people on board, looked around to make sure everyone sat down, closed the doors, and started over. People also left the bus which gave us an opportunity to say goodbye. I was surprised how much the children liked this activity. So much that I will think of a way to use this again.