Phoneme: /b/
Gathering song: Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy (hands, feet, shoulders)
Concepts: On/Off, Top/Bottom, In Between, Body Parts (Elbows, Hands, Noses, Mouths)
Pre-Literacy: Trace letter B with your pointer fingers. "Put your finger on the top and draw down. Go back to the top and bounce Around".
We're learning how to wash hands and blow noses! We don't want to get sick. Germs are so little that we can't see them, but they can make us very sick. We learned how to cough into our elbows and to sneeze into our elbows instead of our hands. Miss Julie and Miss Jeana passed out tissue and we learned to wipe our noses by pinching our noses instead of wiping across. Always use tissue, never our hands or sleeves. We rubbed lotion on our hands, then Miss Carrie put glitter on hers and high-fived everyone. We saw how the glitter spread onto everyones hands just like germs. Then we learned how to wash our hands to get the germs off. Miss Carrie taught this song:
(to the tune of Frere Jaques)
Tops and Bottoms! (back of hands and palms of hands)
Tops and Bottoms!
In Between! In Between! (interlace your fingers to get in between)
Wash your thumbs.
Wash your thumbs.
Now you're clean.
Now you're clean.
Singing and washing with soap makes sure you wash long enough. Don't turn on the water until the song is over or you might wash the soap off too soon.