phoneme: /b/
Gathering song: Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy (hands, shoulders, and backs)
Concepts: loud/soft, animal sounds, animal characteristics (fly, walk), big/little, What questions, Where questions.
Pre-literacy: Trace the letter B. "Start at the top and draw down. Go back to the top and bounce around."
This week we're talking about animals that start with the /b/ sound. We used the SoundTouch app to listen to bears, birds, bats, and bees. We talked about whether they walk on the ground or fly in the air. We saw that bears walk on all four limbs and bats hang upside-down - even when they eat! We even pretended to be bears, birds, bats, and bees. We went on a bear hunt...through a candy factory, a peanut butter river, and a jello swamp. Finally, the children chose to be a bear, a bird, a bat, or a bee to go to their tables for small group. The overwhelming choice was bat, with a few bears for good measure.