Friday, June 2, 2017

Goodbye, Miss Julie. Hello, Miss Jenni.

 It is the end of the school year and we're saying goodbye to Miss Julie.  She is moving to a school that is closer to her home.  We will miss you, Miss Julie!

We're excited to welcome Miss Jenni.  She is joining our team for the 2017-2018 school year.  She has some fun ideas and loves to get down on the floor and play.  Look for her at Back To School Night next year!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

May Week 5: Favorites

This week we're talking about a new vocabulary word: favorites.  Favorite songs, favorite games, favorite things to do during Work Time, favorite foods, favorite things to do at home.

We're reviewing favorite songs during Large Group with Miss Carrie.  Favorite songs we've sung this year the children chose:

Circle Time Song

Wake Up! Daily Routines.

Five Little Ghosts

Hands Are For Clapping

Silly Dance Contest